Monday, February 25, 2019

Universe Creation

Today I will discuss about the creation, many question arise in our mind that how the world created & what its purpose, as Stephen Hawkins research about the big bang theory all it relates & has been found in Quran verses nearly 1400 years ago, evolution of mankind & creation of all this beautiful earth. As very famous scientist Bruce Lipton has said that heaven already exist in earth but because of its mishandling, we see troubles.

So I will today explain why this all things happened, kindly go through the matter very deeply as all the things which I am explaining has been discuss in Quran 1400 year ago but mostly due to religions conflict we do not accept it, there are many things which still we either do not know or we do not approach to that level.

Before the existence of this Universe as Stephen Hawkins also explain that if there no time so no evolution or thing exist but the God as whatever we call it energy etc  is beyond  time limit, we cannot able to explain infinity, whatever we see God images found everywhere in shape of beautiful animals, scenery , and the most important human beings. It is impossible to deny existence of God as such a marvelous universe cannot able to exist automatically as in each thing we found great engineering & logic.

Now come to the point why universe created, It was before human creation when God has created this big universe lives two species, one is angel which is created from light & the other species call Satan (Evil) which is created from fire.   They both live before the evolution of humans but the Satan (Evil) who is also called Lucifer was very much obedient of God and worship a lot all the time that God has put his status upward and kept him with angels. One of the very misconception about it is that either Satan is angle or evil. This can be prove very simply that angle who were created from light never ever be disobedient because light tendency is cool where Satan who has been created from fire whose tendency is aggression and destructions. In case of human who has been created form sand & mud has the both tendency that’s why humans many times behaves like evil.

As it was all planned by God before humans existence, so God has announced that I am going to create a human beings which will be made from sand & mud and which will be superior from all the creatures so you will have to bow before him, then all the angels over there very much worried because they know the humans tendency & they replied that why are you created such thing which is destructive & they will fight with each other, God said the things which I know you don’t know then God created first human being Adam and ask him to tell all the names of all  hidden secrets names & the Adam tell all the names, then all the Angels over there bow before Adam except Satan (Evil) as his tendency is the creation from fire jealous from it & said to God I have worship you since so long so why you have been created this human which is inferior from me and I am superior. God said this is the test for you which I have to analyze you and you failed in this test so get out from here & your powers will also be taken back. Then God put the Adam on the earth like created place called heaven where all the things were pure & no dirtiness over there all thing are crystal clear over there. God also want to test human so he made Hawwa i.e called eve, the female partner of Adam. God instructed Adam not to eat the fruit of some particular tree over there. They both live lovely over there and they forget their enemy Satan (evil) who go there in some wave form and quarrel to Adam & eve to eat the fruit as by eating it you will live for ever which God do not want you to do it. So they both accept the saying of Satan (evil) & forget the God instructions by the result as for punishment we were thrown to earth. Adam apologies  and God accept the apology but give time till end of the universe  & gives authority to Satan to operate and make humans dis followers of God. So whoever did the good deed over here will go to heaven as a gift of his exam passed.     

So this is the reason of universe creation and as you see so many galaxies, may be there live other species also which are totally different from us but one thing is sure, human are one & only superior species in the universe.  There is a time zone of this universe at that time all of them crushed & collide with each other & maybe new form of thing will be created.

Whatever may be the reason, there are so many questions in our brain which we are unable to answer because as a human seeing is believing, but this could not be the reason of denial, there must be some thing who controls the entire universe. So don’t be confused so much live your life along with spirituality & with believe of creator, thanks to them to give us beautiful life.

Live Life, Live Lovely,

If you have any information related to it kindly share with me on comments, I will be glad to know the reality of life.

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