Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Today my topic is about human relationship, i have seen lot of conflict arises just because of ego problem, the question of superiority complex and the desire to see the opponent down is the main cause of trouble. I have seen many fight with each other on very small issues even the nation fight with each other just because of acquiring wealth & territory even if they have a lot.

God has created this world for all & tell us to live peacefully but because of ego it becomes uncontrollable. According to two Holy books Quran & Bible, the Satan which is called evil is a kind of negative energy which flows in our body and as we drop control on our thoughts it become strong & active.

So what to do, one of the easiest way is to change your posture and position in these type of situation, secondly be fully aware and awaken, live in present moment & indulge your self in spirituality as much as you can so that you will remain protected from negativity.   

Live Life, live Lovely.

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