Monday, March 18, 2019

The Concept of Jin (Devil).

It has been since long a debate that either Jin (Devil) exist or not, but from various Holy books it has been accepted that God has also created other species from fire and that is devil (Jin). But why we not able to see them, that’s very valid question, actually the air exist but you cannot see them, x-rays exist but you cannot able to see them like wise devil exist but our eyes cannot able to see them because they are a type of radiation just like x-rays, they passes nearby but you cannot able to see them. We do not exactly say how they look like but they have the ability to transform in different shapes, but how they perform that we do not know exactly. They have also their families and religion just like us, they also eat and generation building capabilities. Many times we have heard that they have haunted some person or house, is very true because there are some loose ends the humans give them to intervene, but exactly do not know how they do it.

The concept of Jin (Devil) has been very clearly explained in Quran Para No. 29, “ Surah Jin”.  The Holy Prophet (PBUH) one day reciting Quran, the team of Jin (Devil) arrived there and hear the Quran verses & then said we have heard this not before and we accepted this religion Islam as this is the pure religion which gives us the right path. They said we do not know exactly what God will do for the creation living on earth but they said we have searched the whole universe and found them with great fires and fire asteroids which have been thrown on them who go up the level and try to hear the messages between angels and God, now the God has protected it so strong that now nobody can able to listen it. They also said that they have also families,  religion and tribes. Some human worships them so they feel proud of that, the black magic also done in the same category where different types of things will be done to satisfy the Jin (Devil). & in reward they perform the black magic task. They also said that in us we have good devil and bad devil, the right path follower devil do not harm to humans but the bad ones do harm the humans.

So, whatever the case, we shall always be thank full  to God, because he has given us tremendous things in this universe and he created all the things for his glory. We shall accept the glory of God of creating such a magnificent world.

Live Life, Live Lovely.      

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