Monday, March 25, 2019

Subconscious way of making your Business Progress

Today I will discuss about major mistakes that a business man do while doing business and how to overcome it subconsciously so that he  will make business  grow & progress. Many times we have heard that some new starter started a business but within a months or year they fail and windup their business, why this happens. There are so many reasons besides the subconscious programming, lets discuss.

Suppose I put a wooden Sheet between two chairs and I say walk on it, so you easily walk but when I put that wooden sheet of same size under a crossing water where there is an alligator so then what you will do, in most cases you don’t walk on it, why , there is no change in wooden sheet just change is under the wood,  the change of perception changes the whole situation, you can walk on it but due to fear of water and alligator you change your mind of taking risk, same thing happens in business, you fear of taking risk and afraid of making decision, then you loose.

Why people breaking genius world records because someone did that work before which  create  some bench marks which gives other the courage of breaking that record. Same thing happen in our daily life, its only the matter of thinking which changes the situation. So prepare your mind subconsciously of doing any kind of work because you are powerful and God has created us perfectly.

Live Life, Live Lovely.

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