Sunday, March 22, 2020

Five Rules of Happiness

It’s almost seems silly to define happiness. You know when you’re happy, and certainly no one has to tell you when you’re sad. But what is it that makes a person happy. You might think of all kind of experiences. Music makes me happy or ice cream makes me happy or he or she makes me happy or house work makes me unhappy or Aunt Tina makes me sad etc.

It is important to realize, however, that what makes you happy might make another person unhappy. One person you present with a cute little puppy is delighted, another can’t stand dogs and now has to get rid of the poor animal. The philosophy is about enjoying things you like and avoiding or changing the things you don’t like, and accepting what you cannot avoid or change by the skillful use of your view point. The use of this philosophy as embedded in five rules will allow you to test many problem areas in your life and find solutions.    

Rule No 1.  “ If you like a thing, enjoy it "

At first you say it’s ridiculous, of course I like some thing I going to enjoy it. But when to stop to think about that statement you probably agree that in life many thing we like but not enjoying it. The reason we don’t enjoy things because of two reason (i) guilt and (ii) fear. You will not enjoy the thing you like if you have guilt after having that done or if you are fearful of the consequences of doing it
Rule No 2. “ If you don’t like a thing, avoid it "

The rule looks simple enough but reflect for a moment on how many people are involved with things they do not like for e.g Job, a person, a vehicle, a type of food etc and for some reason they don’t avoid those things like I do the job because I need money or I have to involved with this person because of several reasons etc. How many justification can you think of for not avoiding the things you do not like to do.

Rule No 3. “If you don’t like a thing and you cannot avoid it, change it "

Here again, the answer is simple, change it. But just avoidance we rationalize that we need something about it – money, time and security etc and some thing is holding you to that particular thing, you don’t like it or avoid it or cannot change it but still involved with it.

Rule No 4. “ If you don’t like a thing, cannot avoid it or cannot change it, accept it "

How do you accept a situation that you are not happy with it or how can you accept a person you’re not happy with it, well if you don’t like it, cannot avoid it, won’t change it and will not accept it, then you won’t be Happy. The key lies in the Rule No.5, the secret of happiness.

Rule No 5. “ You accept a thing by changing your viewpoint of it "

You are your viewpoint. Everything is relative to a person experiencing of it. Nothing is good or bad, except as it relative to you. Life is simply is, you can change those things you wish by changing your viewpoint about them. Simply switching your viewpoint to love. This can be explained by example

George decided to drive to a nearby restaurant. He walked out to the parking lot and saw that his car has a fresh dent in the right front fender. Somebody had backed into his automobile and dented the fender. He didn’t like it, he couldn’t avoid it as it was there and he couldn’t change it. That left him the choice of being either happy or unhappy about the experience. George chose happy. He chose to change his view point. When he looked at the fender he no longer saw a dent that would cost him lots of money and time to be repaired but instead saw it as a stimulus to achieve something positive. 

Trying to imagine a positive outcome of the dent, he determined to earn triple the amount that it cost to repair the fender. His earning was $ 500 and the dent cost $ 250, so he decided to earn $ 750 so that he can pay$ 250 for the dent, so he did it and earned $ 750, keeping him in happy phase and turning their view point to earn more rather then criticizing it. He stayed happy even though he had an experience that could cause most people a great deal of anguish. It’s a simple solution to a happy life, changing of positive view point.

Live life, live Lovely.

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