Monday, January 13, 2020

How to Spent better Life

Life is the combination of different ups and down, bad luck and good luck etc etc but to spent life better one has to follow some rules of life. To spent better life one should has to follow three S principle which when we apply in life will be great successful. These three S are State, Song and Strategies. If you adopt these rules you feel life so easy and comfortable, so I will discuss it one by one.


This does not mean a territory or a country, it means the posture of our walking, talking ,sitting and standing etc . When we walk and talk with confidence and with full energy we just not only energies our self but also we give positive energy in our surroundings. Just same will be with sitting, when we sit straight we become active mood but if we sit with head down we feel laziness. It is wisely said that a healthy body has a healthy mind. Our physical action will project our mental mood.


Here I do not mean some kind of music etc, it means what the dialogue going or what the thinking going on in our head, if we all the time thinking or talk to our self the complains, sad stories or guilt etc so we become like that and we never be live happy. So what ever the circumstances always play a positive thoughts and talk to our mind which will dilute the negativity and create the positive environment around us.


One of the best method to spent life is that there should be some goals in life, where to go, what is the aim in the life. The life without goal is dead life, if you don’t know the place to go while travelling then you reach the place with no choice. So planning and making goal is very important in life to achieve success and spent a better happy life.

Live life, live lovely.

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