Monday, May 13, 2019

Failure in Business/Life

When someone fail in business or in any exam, most of people get dis- hearted and either they left the work or involve in some unhealthy activity like taking drugs, smoking  etc. Einstein when once ask how many times you fail when making bulb he replied 9,999 times he failed in making bulb, then he said that its 9,999 attempts which made him confident in 10,000 attempt to become successful, if he become dis heart then we will not able to get the bulb. So the failure  is good for growth and development but do not have to repeat the same mistakes again and again. We should not have to be discourage by failure instead we have to get the lesson from that and move onwards.

There are so many famous people in the world who become successful by facing so many failures but they do not give up they move on. One of the biggest mistake people will do is that they do not realize that actual reason of failure is that they do not have enough knowledge of the subject, experience and the lack of commitment towards the goal or object.

So what will be the solution to the problem, simply take failure as an obstacle towards your objective or goal and just take it as a challenge and change the way of handling it, if one objective is not achieved by one way then change another way, then other way etc etc., if you dis heart then it means that you give up and become hopeless, then you do not attempt another way that’s the main cause of failure.

Live life, Live Lovely.

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